SILVER Handheld GPS unit
Marking, measuring, layout, and scouting WAAS/GLONAS
Differential 1-3 meter accuracy / 3 meter repeatability
Call or email for price quote.
GOLD UTV/vehicle GPS unit (12V)
Topography mapping improved layouts and “as built”
Grid Soil sampling
Economical guidance parallel swathing (ability to farm on
OMNI STAR differential GX
3-5 inch accuracy / 10-15 inch repeatability
Call or email for price quote.
GOLD Drone Flights
Quad Copter/ UAV with 1080HP camera
NIR (Near Inferred) photography of fields to monitor stress (NIR
photography reflects stress before human eyes can see it with
color photography or live)
Birds’ eye view gives different perspective of the field
GPS Guidance for pathway flights, and layering management
WAAS/GLONAS Differential
1-3 meter accuracy / 3 meter repeatability
Call or email for price quote.
PLATINUM Upgrade service for more accurate research and mapping
EC (Electro conductivity) Mapping
Weather station monitoring - wind, precipitation, radiation and
calculated ET (evapotranspiration)
Moisture sensors and electronic data collection
Call or email for price quote.
EVEN BETTER GPS Available through business partners not
economically practical for most acreage
OMNI STAR differential HX 1-2 inch accuracy / 3-4 inch
RTK GPS (auto steer - large farmers) 1 cm accuracy / 1.5 cm
RTK PLUS GPS (construction) 0.5 cm accuracy / 0.5 cm
Accuracy is the ability of the GPS to be honed into a place on
earth. Each improvement in quality comes from two criteria:
1) Signal Speed – speed of receiver, speed of the broadcast
signal (from the satellite )
2) Differential signal – communications with a known place or
object – (permanent structure, or base station
Repeatability refers to ability of a receiver to come back in
two weeks and repeat its ability to locate the same exact spot
again. If you were camping or fishing 15-20 meters is
acceptable. If you are building a skyscraper, one may want
improved repeatability of the technology. Time of the day and
having line of site to the sky also affects both accuracy and
repeatability. Time lapse of 25 minutes or more usually is the
first step in gauging repeatability.
Call or email for price quote.